Ellanora: Videos with Related Questions


Diagnosis: Stroke
Setting: Acute Hospital

All faculty resources for Ellanora


Videos & Related Questions

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Treatment for Visual Deficits

  • In what position does the client typically keep her head?

  • Does she pay attention the left side of her body? Her arm? Her hair? Her face?

  • Does she pay attention the left side of her physical environment? The hair brush? The washcloth?

  • What types of cues does the clinician provide to facilitate attention to the left? How does the client respond to these cues?

  • Does the client appear to have a visual field cut (hemianopsia) or visual neglect? Why is it difficult to tell based on this observation?

  • What further assessments could you do to help determine if she has a hemianopsia versus visual neglect? How will this help guide your theoretical approach?

  • What other component skills is the clinician challenging in this treatment session?

  • What other kinds of activities might be useful to do with this client to encourage attention to the left? Describe what her next treatment session might look like.

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

Questions taken from the faculty resource: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Note: multiple videos are referenced in this resource.

  • How does seated surface and position affect feeding?

  • Would any adaptations facilitate self-feeding?

  • What oral-motor assessments might be important to perform prior to introducing food and liquids?

  • How could tone, range of motion, and strength of the face and mouth be assessed?

  • What might you palpate during swallowing and why?

  • How can you ensure that food or liquids are safely and effectively swallowed?

  • What are the signs of aspiration?

ICE Resources

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Calvin: Videos with Related Questions


Tom: Videos with Related Questions